Club Operating Rules

1.     Name

The name of the club shall be the Blackmore Vale Model Flying Club herein after referred to as the Club.  The club is affiliated to the  British Model Flying Association.

2.    Objects

a. To help broaden interest in the hobby of aeromodelling and to help those who wish to do so in their  activities.
b. To provide technical information for members together with constructional advice and flying instruction.
c. To arrange for the organisation of lectures, film shows and discussion meetings so that members may gain additional knowledge of their hobby.

3.    Membership and insurance

a. The Committee shall approve all new applications for membership.
b. All persons who abide by the rules of the club and pay the appropriate subscriptions shall be considered as a member of good standing and entitled to all the benefits of membership and have the right to take part in all of the Club’s activities.
c. All members flying on recognised club sites shall fly in accordance with the safety rules and regulations as set out by the Committee. (See back page for details).
d. All members must have Third Party insurance and this will be provided automatically on payment of their subscription. This insurance is effective through the B.M.F.A with the premiums being paid out of club funds. Guests and others will be asked for proof of equivalent insurance cover before being allowed to fly.
e. Junior members are classed as those under eighteen years of age on the 1st January.

4.    Subscriptions

a. Subscriptions may be varied only at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting on the proposal of the Committee.
b. Subscriptions shall run from 1st November to 31st October each year.
c. Any member joining after 31st July shall be required to pay half the appropriate subscription for the complete year.
d. Any member who has not paid his subscription by 1st January will be placed at the end of any list for membership application and shall not be allowed to fly.
e. Persons who are not members will be able to attend their first two meetings, or flying lessons, free of charge but will be required to join upon their third attendance.

5.    Fees

   See  (Joining Our Club)

6.    Annual General Meeting

a. The policy of the club shall be agreed upon by members at the Annual General Meeting and shall be given effect by the Executive Committee in accordance with Rule 6.
b. The Annual General Meeting of the Club (AGM) shall be held within thirty days of  the end of each Club Financial year and the Officers reports and accounts shall be presented thereat.
c. Notice of motions proposing rule changes are to be given to the Secretary in writing at least 14 days before the AGM.

7.    Committee

a. The AGM shall elect a Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer and four additional Members to form the Executive Committee.
b. Nomination for Officers or Committee members shall be presented to the AGM. Seconders shall be obtained from the meeting and those Members attending shall vote those seconded on.
c. Members elected shall hold office for a year.
d. The Committee shall meet at least four times a year.
e. Four members shall constitute a quorum at Committee meetings.
f.  In the absence of the Chairman the Committee shall elect a Chairman for that particular meeting.
g. Each member of the Committee shall have one vote. Equal voting shall be resolved by the casting vote of the Chairman.
h. Any member wishing to resign his office must give notice of his intention at least one month before the next Committee meeting.
i.  Executive Officers shall have the power to nominate members to fill vacancies arising in the Committee.
j.  Members of the Club may be invited to assist the Committee in promoting the objects of the Club.
k. A proper minute book shall be kept.


8.    Special General Meeting

A special General Meeting shall be called by the Committee when deemed necessary or by a requisition signed by no less than one third of the membership and actionable within 28 days of receipt by the Secretary.

9.    Finance

a. The financial year shall end of the 31st October and the treasurer shall prepare and present the appropriate accounts at the AGM.
b. All monies belonging to the club shall be paid into the Bank or Building Society account in the name of the Club.
c. Two Officers must sign Cheques. Any three Officers shall have the power to sign cheques - these being the Chairman Secretary and Treasurer.
d. On the occasion of the termination of the Club in any form following the approval of a Special General Meeting any remaining funds shall be donated to an approved charity.

10.    Revision of rules

Any of the above rules may be altered or cancelled on the proposal of the Committee when presented to the AGM or Special General meeting  at which the majority of members present must agree to such change or changes.

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